20 de octubre de 2015

Refugees without refuges

There’s a civil war at Syria, as you’ve probably heard. If you haven’t, you‘ve lived in a dream world for the last four years. Some “big countries” have tried to stop it killing some leaders from both sides or supporting the rebels, which ironically were later helped by the jihadists. Sometimes it just looks like another indirect war between the USA and Russia anywhere, but in their countries. Anyway, their attempts seem to have no effect.

The war continues and around 11 million Syrians have run away from their homes, while 4 million have become refugees in other countries. But no government wants them. Some countries, like Hungary, have even closed their borders and have threatened to imprison refugees.

Humans are showing once again their lack of empathy, especially those in the power. Everybody looks at themselves: we are in crisis, we already have poor people, there’s no work for them, we can’t provide them with everything they need… are just some of the arguments they give, trying to justify themselves.

Luckily, there are some people who restore our hope in humanity. Those, as my partner Victoria said in her entry, are volunteers or people who offer their help to those they think that deserve it.

As governments seem very busy making sums, subtractions and divisions with the number of refugees, people in the streets have decided to do it on their own. In some parts of Germany, for example, they have welcomed them and they have shared out water bottles, food, clothes, blankets… Social affairs have even installed a water tap so they are able to drink or even to take the water to wash themselves.

Unfortunately, on the flip side of the coin, neo-Nazi groups, also in Germany, have attacked a great number of refugees. You can read more about one of the attacks here:

After all this time, it has been seventy years since the end of the World War II, people still haven’t realised that there’s no reason to discriminate someone, and especially because of their skin colour. How long will it take to them?

During that horrible war, a lot of people ran away too. Then Europeans were the refugees. Now they are the ones who deny refugees their right to receive help and to live peacefully. Has everybody forgotten that they, their parents or grandparents were once at the same situation? Or is the human being just cruel and selfish? I hope it’s not the second one, but as Nicolas Avellaneda said: “Those who forget their own history are condemned to repeat it,” so I really wish we have enough good memory.

Judit Fernández Roca, collaborator of the Aequitas25 group.

7 comentarios:

  1. Es un placer volver a leer este blog, aunque sea para darme cuenta de que mi prima pequeña tiene mejor nivel de inglés que yo. Un abrazo Leonor, cuídamela que es una joya.

    Ismael Khiar Fernández

    1. Querido mío, tu prima se cuida sola. Y no es una joya, sino mucho más. Es un gustazo tenerla como alumna. Y otro,volver a saludarte y mandarte un besazo.

  2. Absolutely I agree with Judith, you're right.
    War has forced half of Syrians from their homes. Childen and innocent people are fleeing their homes while governments discussed how to allocate refugee host countries. They seem to be invisible for us .
    Oue specie, (the most intelligent livings things?) tend to forget, once again, the horrors of history. That is not a new situation

    What can we do? What should we do? Are we willing to change our confortable lives?...
    I have many questions, but not answer to mahe me feel better or which resolve this terrible situation.

    If I were Syrian, I'd probably do the same, despite loosing my own live. The survival instinct wouldn't let me stay quiet, just looking around and wainting for certain death.
    I also could be Syrian, actually we're humans, and history often repeats.
    "They came for me and there was no one left to speak for me"...

  3. Dear Judit: you didn't need to write in Shakespeare's language to impress us with your intelligence and extraordinary sensitivity. I always say one should not be proud of the others' work; but now I feel extremely proud to have been your teacher.
    Take care

  4. I couldn't agree with you more Judit!
    I am really disappointed about how the European governments are managing this serious problem.They're looking the other way while a lot of people are suffering.
    Perhaps,in a near future this may become a problem even worse.
    On the other hand,I can't put up with the solutions of some countries concerning this topic,they are cruel.I think they forget that isn't important if they are Syrian or whatever they are,above all:they're humans.HUMANS.
    Why are this countries so selfish?They just need help.
    Where are the universal rights?Where is empathy?Where is sensitivity?Can anyone answer?
    To sum up,I'm really upset about this.
    I can't imagine this can be happening.
    We should solve this problem as soon as possible,it's very important.

  5. I fully agree, too. But I love Cervantes' language... So, I´m going to continue in Spanish, the most beautiful language in the world (after Latin, of course...)
    Judit, te agradezco el esfuerzo realizado, la concienciación que muestras sobre el problema y espero que tu entrada sea un acicate para que quienes ignoren el asunto miren cara a cara este problema. Porque este asunto tiene cara: las caras de millones de personas que no son diferentes a nosotros. Muchos se han quedado en el camino y otros esperan ante fronteras cerradas una solución que no llega.
    Hay gente que piensa que con la crisis que tenemos encima no estamos para acoger a nadie... No es verdad. Existe presupuesto para otros temas que venden más.
    Aunque resulte desagradable, creo que no debemos dejar pasar un día sin mirar las caras desesperadas de los miles de hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas que huyen de una situación pavorosa. Y que pensemos, por un momento, qué no haríamos por nuestros hijos e hijas, por nuestros padres y madres si estuviéramos en una situación similar. Qué valla no saltaríamos y qué mar no pasaríamos en patera si la vida de nuestros hijos estuviera en juego.
    Como dice Judit, nuestros gobiernos han creado el monstruo. Nos toca, por tanto acabar con él o salvar a sus víctimas.
    A ver qué hacen nuestros políticos, que no dejan de cacarear para arañar un puñado de votos.
    Gracias de nuevo,Judit. Y gracias también a todos los que os habéis atrevido a comentar en inglés, esa lengua, ay, que se me resiste...

    1. I love this international blog, full of good ideas, social commitment , hunger and thirst for justice. I'm very proud of belonging to this very dynamic school, full of so many mature students. Congrats, Judit for your dissertation!
